Support from the MDU
From complex medico- and dento-legal questions to complaints – we provide expert, responsive support when healthcare providers need it most.
MDUConnect members can draw on responsive help and support from medico- and dento-legal experts with extensive experience of mitigating risk well before a claim arises.
Whether contacting a dedicated risk advisory partner or our 24/7 medico- and dento-legal helpline, members can rest assured help is at hand when they need it most.
A fellow professional
The MDU is the UK market leader in its field. We connect members with our medico- and dento- legal advisory team, who are all doctors or dentists with experience of clinical practice. We never underestimate the importance of speaking to people who have walked those wards, sat in that surgery, or taken that urgent phone call in the middle of the night. In stressful and emotional circumstances, their real-world insight is invaluable.
Proactive support
Our advisory support service aims to avoid medico- and dento-legal issues arising or escalating and provides support at an early stage when something goes wrong – mitigating risks, helping to resolve complaints and trying to reduce the chances of a subsequent claim.
Dedicated risk advisory partner
Every MDUConnect member is assigned a dedicated risk advisory partner (RAP) and provided with direct contact details.
All RAPs are senior clinicians (doctors and dentists) with first-hand experience in clinical practice, as well as extensive medico- and dento-legal experience.
Risk advice
RAPs offer to meet with every new member to talk through the range of support available, field questions, and provide bespoke risk management advice. The RAP can also arrange access to Resolve, our complaints management system, and the MDU risk management toolkit to help them get the most from MDUConnect membership.
Complaints support
Our RAPs are highly experienced in advising on complaints, whether being handled within your organisation, or if escalated externally.
In the last five years alone, our teams have advised on over 30,000 complaints.
Throughout, they will be on hand to offer support and guidance, helping MDUConnect members deal with stressful situations efficiently and effectively.
In fact, only around 15% of medical cases notified as complaints to the MDU subsequently go on to become claims.
24/7 medico- and dento-legal helpline
MDUConnect members facing ethical or medico- or dento-legal issues needn’t lose any sleep. Every member can speak to specially trained doctors and dentists via a 24-hour helpline, seven days a week.
The helpline is staffed by medico-dento-legal advisers with deep understanding around the issues our members face, thanks to the c.21,000 member calls they take, on every topic imaginable, every year.
In 2022, 99% of the calls to our advice line were answered within 20 seconds, with the average call answered in just over 10 seconds –a crucial resource for members requiring urgent advice.
CQC compliance support
MDUConnect members can seek our support with the medico- and dento-legal aspects of CQC compliance.
Round-the-clock media support
Complaints and investigations can attract unwanted media interest. That is why MDUConnect members get access to our media team, who can help members to respond appropriately and avoid common pitfalls when dealing with media attention following a wide range of events. They could include, for instance, complaints, local regional and national inquiries, investigations, hearings and court proceedings relating to clinical matters.